95 Edmud Street Kettering NN16 0HT, Northamptonshire ENGLAND
5 No 1b Till Close, Kolapo Ishola GRA, General Gas Akobo, Ibbadan, Oyo State
We Work 24 Hours and 7days (24/7)
95 Edmud Street Kettering NN16 0HT, Northamptonshire ENGLAND
5 No 1b Till Close, Kolapo Ishola GRA, General Gas Akobo, Ibbadan, Oyo State
We Work 24 Hours and 7days (24/7)
They mean well but do not do enough due diligence when letting potential residents in. None of knows who will actually stay sober but with this place as long as you have some dough your good to go as the…