95 Edmud Street Kettering NN16 0HT, Northamptonshire ENGLAND
5 No 1b Till Close, Kolapo Ishola GRA, General Gas Akobo, Ibbadan, Oyo State
We Work 24 Hours and 7days (24/7)
95 Edmud Street Kettering NN16 0HT, Northamptonshire ENGLAND
5 No 1b Till Close, Kolapo Ishola GRA, General Gas Akobo, Ibbadan, Oyo State
We Work 24 Hours and 7days (24/7)
If a company has delivered products or services but not yet received payment, it’s an account receivable. If the firm’s interest-earning deposit or other receivable has the interest payment date at the month-end, there will be no interest receivable. The…
Even so, the disparity between revenue and operating income is significant. Revenue is often called the top line because it’s located at the top of an income statement. When a company is said to have “top-line growth,” it means the company’s revenue—the money it’s taking in—is…
This will ensure that the data can be accurately analyzed at a later date. When entering data into the columnar pad, make sure you put it in the right place. For example, if entering a date into the pad, ensure…
Where wage rates vary and different incentive schemes are in existence, correlation between wages paid and time elapsed does not exist. (iv) This method is not rational when part of the materials passes through all processes and part through only…
Outsourcing bookkeeping and accounting to Accounts Junction empowers car dealerships to focus on their core competencies, providing them with the peace of mind that their financial matters are handled efficiently and professionally. By collaborating with Accounts Junction, car dealerships can…
And while we discussed state income tax in a previous article, you should also remember local income taxes. These are sometimes assessed in large urban areas (think New York City, San Francisco, etc.). There are 14 states that allow local…